Wedding Ambiance: Color

Color is a very important part of life whether we really notice it or not. Most importantly is how color affects our moods and how we are mean to perceive things. This happens in every day life, from street signs to clothing to books, and most clearly, to art. And when you want a day to be very memorable, the colors present will have an important impact.

This is why picking the right color scheme for a wedding should not be taken lightly. While there are many other things to focus on that may be considered more important, such as making sure everything goes right, getting the right message and feeling across that the wedding is a serious matter. It is an important day.

Color plays many important parts in a wedding. It can affect what you choose for flowers and flower displays, the style of a cake, bridesmaids gown, decorations and balloons, and a ton of other things that may not be so classical in tradition.

Like many style choices, weddings can be broken down easily into seasonal aspects. This is to say that to get the right color for a wedding, first one should focus on the season that the wedding is taken place in. Like clothing, different colors work for different seasons. Below is a closer look of the four seasons and the color choices that can enhance the wedding for each, and the color choices that might upset the balance.


Spring is an ethereal season, known for its lightness, natural beauty and pale colors. It can be hard to pick a wrong color for Spring actually because of how beautiful the season can be naturally and how this natural beauty enhances the beauty of a wedding. The key to picking the right colors for this season is to keep it natural.

Almost any pale color will do for this palette. Particularly wise choices are yellow, green and blue. These are three of the most natural colors, painted mostly by flowers, grass and the sky respectively. A pale or light orange can also be nice though make sure it is not fluorescent. This goes for purple too, as too bright of either color can offset the freshness that Spring is known for.

Pink is another pale color that works well for spring, and in truth can work well in any season, but the important thing to remember when dealing with pink is that even though it is a light color, it can be very dominating. Pink as the focus color is not only very typical and overdone, but more importantly stagnant in expression of feeling. Using it to compliment a nice green or even yellow can work wonders.

Avoid heavy, dark colors when dealing with Spring. A deep blue or green for a compliment color can work, but in moderation. Because of the natural feel of these colors it will not be overpowering, but trying such a tactical with red, purple or orange is not quite as flattering.


Summer is also a season known for its natural freshness and outdoor beauty. The generally warm weather makes it perfect for outdoor weddings. Pale colors like yellow, green and blue are also quite nice for Summer. Even a bit brighter version of these three works wonders together. Remember not to go too fluorescent in your color choices. You want to keep it feeling like Summer and a beautiful, tasteful wedding, not some flashy event in Las Vegas.

A beautiful color scheme for summer are the colors of the sun, sunsets and sunrises. Going with yellows and oranges, pinks and purples, or a combination of them, brings both a summer-feel to the wedding and something a bit more unique.

Avoid opposing colors for summer, like blue and orange, yellow and purple. The contrast can be harsh and takes away from the more calm and pleasant feeling that is associated with Summer and the outdoors.


Autumn is known as an earthy season. Obviously color choices are those of reds, oranges, and browns. While typical and maybe overdone, they do bring out the feel of the season. One thing to keep in mind with them is that they can work wonderful as a compliment color, so that you still draw out the season but do not overpower your guests with the same old boring palette.

Autumn is probably the most auspicious season for colors. This is because the feeling of Autumn is so diverse and has quite a bit of the other seasons in it. It is the changing of Summer to Winter, and there before has both the richness of Summer and depth of Winter. It also has a slight ethereal, more so natural feel to it like Spring. Almost any color can work wonders in Autumn, especially with a combination of a more traditional Autumn color as stated above. The key to finding the right color is to go with a more neutral, in between shade. Too pale and you are leaving more to Summer. Too heavy and you are leaving more to Winter.

Avoid the color purple. The pale hue does not compliment the natural beauty of Autumn, and the deeper hue is too rich. This color is best suited for Spring if a light shade or Winter if a dark shade.

Blue can also take away from the beauty of Autumn, unless used to compliment a more earthy color. Blue is ethereal, airy in nature, the opposite of a heavy, earthy tone. Opposites in the case of an airy color and a heavy color can work wonderful together, as long as the primary color is more focused on the Season. Blue, like purple, works best for Spring if pale and Winter if light or dark.


Winter is a rich season in feeling. It works best with the deepest of colors, leaving it on the opposite scale of Spring's pale palette. The three most essential colors to the season are red, green and blue. These colors in deep tones have a weightiness to them. This is particularly important if the weather is snowy or even just on the colder side. Purple is another nice rich color when in a deep shade. It also makes a lovely combination when added with the other three.

Colors that do not work well in deeper shades are orange and yellow. They turn brownish and that does not compliment the cold, slightly ethereal feeling of winter very nicely. Even using them as a compliment color to a rich primary color does not make them quite as effective as one would aim for.

Save for blue and yellow, maybe even green for certain schemes, pale colors do not work in Winter. They lean more towards Spring and make the feeling a bit more ethereal than Winter naturally has.

People may debate the importance of colors or even if there is more to this psychologically and scientifically, or if it's just a matter of opinion. Regardless of the answer, hopefully after reading this article you the reader are more inspired to think about color. And maybe even after reading this article you will think about color outside of a wedding, about color in an every day setting. This is not about fashion or taste, but rather about livening up the world with color and expressing feelings in an unique and beautiful way.

This article has been submitted in partnership with http://www.Prye.Com which is a site for Wedding Invitations .