Transformers to Become an MMO?


NetDragon and Hasbro are teaming up to bring the popular Movies (and cartoons if you’re old… like me) to a game format. Looks like China, Korea, and the rest of the East will get first crack at the release.

Speculation, and common sense, would say this will be the battle between the Autobots and Decepticons. Very little is actually known about the premise of the gameplay, however. One can only hope it’s better than the previous attempts at single player games, though. You know, those monstrosities we’d rather forget?

Also not known is whether the game will join the ranks for F2P or sub-based games.

NetDragons previously produced EuDemons Online, and Monster and Me among other less known titles. Big in the East, but hasn’t made the impact this side of the Pacific. This in itself says it doesn’t look good for Western gamers to ever see it.

Hasbro once again hits the game market, but this one is a bit of unexplored territory for them. Their latest hit, Nerf N-Strike Elite, is a Nerf shooter for the Wii. It will be interesting to see if they can shed the ‘toys’ for mass appeal.

An interesting watch to be certain. Keep your ears to the ground, as this has some promise in both directions. There is certainly some appeal in being a giant robot who turns into a monster truck in a destructible city where you can swing on bridges and stomp on rose beds, all while shooting a Decepticon with a built in rocket launcher from space. That said, we’ve seen too many toy adaptations go bad to be too optimistic.

NetDragon, Hasbro, we deplore you; take your time. And please… bring it West. We love you, and we have cookies.