Prophetic Message From the LORD For the World in 2006

The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY SAYS on 4th of August 2006

I look upon the earth and I see a bit of a mess. I see people who do not believe I exist and have plenty of evidence that all that is in the Bible certainly is not being practiced by many Christians. I see many people professing faith in Jesus Christ yet I see many Buddhists following my Son's teaching in their day to day life more then the believers in Jesus.

I see war planes flying over Lebanon and innocent people losing lives and the whole world media looking on and then I look upon doctors killing babies in the wombs of all the worlds' mothers with unwanted pregnancies and I see that the media does not like to point out the biggest killing spree that has ever happened.

I look at people claiming that I have not changed and that I am still the same God, and then I see others saying that I am a harsh unloving God who does not weep for the sons of men.

It took one generation before the first murder happened on the face of the earth. The earths first son killed his brother and bloodshed started some men. As a father who sits in heaven I weep over all the men and women on earth that do not know me and do not know my love.

I look at people who the world looks to in movies walking with open eyes into a third marriage when if I had my way he would restore his relationship with his first wife. I look at the state of Christian Marriage and divorce a re- marriage and I weep at the example they are showing the world. Do not my words in the book of Malachi have any effect on the earth today when I said, "I hate divorce."

Divorce destroys families and destroys the success rate of all the children of divorced parents and now we have people who have come from broken homes opting not to "risk" a piece of paper and to just live together in a sexual relationship.

I can not blame people that do not believe in me not wanting to get married. Why should they enter a church to get married when all a man needs to say to a lady is I love you and want to live with you for my life and get everything that he perceives marriage will get for him?

Guys and girls women and men, take at look at my creation. Go and have a good look at a waterfall and look at how water falling off rocks into a pool below is just something just too good to throw away with oh that just happened. Have a look at the human eye and see that even man with their best lenses are only now getting close to what the eyes can do. Have a look into the eyes of a baby, especially if it is your baby and try and consider how I feel as a parent when I look up you my beloved.

My creation speaks for me but then there are the calamities of earth. One hurricane strikes and over 1,000 people die in the flooding. Could that have something to do with the mardi Gras that was due to happen three days later? The city of sin did not seem to take that warning and they continued to have that mardi gras some months later

There is something about calamity that has a good side to it. The whole of America seemed to unite and get behind the aid for that city. In one action I was able to prove to man that he did not get the wisdom to build a safe city and some people with all the power in the world did not have the power or brainpower to save those people drowning in that flood

And so what do I think of mankind?

Man has proven that they can not obey the ten commands. They suffer from a delusion that says as long as they do not murder anyone that they deserve to go to heaven and so where the man lost control in a fit of rage and killing a person go when they are put to death in the USA ? Do they get forgiven by me. You should see how I transform some of the world's most violent men. You should hear the horror stories of the world's most violent men's upbringing.

One third of the world is starving while another third could wipe out poverty.

One third of ladies in this world lose their virginity before their wedding and many of them before their teens to a child abuser. What chance has that little girl got of having a great life or the little boy who father has done some sexual perversities to him got of living a good life.

Go and get your Internet browser and read the ten commands and ask yourself honestly how many have you broken?

Tell me why you deserve to go to heaven because you believe in me while a Chinese person who has never heard of the western God has died in a prison or in poverty and they have to go to hell? Tell me why 60 million Chinese need a bible and millions of Christians in the USA could simply buy them all in one go and we could save China?

Tell me people if you are so wise … why is not there peace on earth?

Why all the abortions?

Why all the sexual abuse?

Why all the pornography?

Why all the wars?

Why all the needless poverty?

Who has the answers?

Tell me if you know me, tell me if you know my Bible and you attend a church, tell me if I am happy or I am angry?

Ask me who is the most wicked man on the face of the earth?

Who is the world's modern Hitler?

It's not some terrorist hiding in a cave somewhere though LOL

A war on terror?


A war to stop a war?

What's going to happen when the oil runs out?

What's going to happen when people find out that they need to do more then just go to church on Sunday, that they actually need to be obeying the words of Jesus not just claiming his death on a cross as a ticket to heaven?

One prayer, a weekly visit to church and some money in the plate and you go to heaven, where is that in the Bible?

Wake up church you are sleeping you need to wake up !!

Take comfort

My sheep hear my voice and they follow me. Take up your cross deny yourself and follow me saith my Son Jesus. Come on guys its time to get up and share the love of Jesus with the world. Take your love out to the hurting world. Pray yes pray but send your money into Bibles and resources for the third world gospel.

My Son is coming to judge soon. Those that are not bearing fruit will be CUT from the branch and thrown into the fire.

My people come to know me

Lead the people of the world home!


The Father of the Jews, Muslims, and Christians who are busy fighting right now. How do you think I feel about my people killing each other.

Walk in the truth. Do not be just a hearer of the word be a doer of the word like James wrote. Otherwise you are living in deception.

I take my hat off to a non believer, at least they practice their lack of faith LOL.