These planters need only a little space
Now growing upside down tomatoes need not be a backbreaking and a nail biting activity. You will not have to get yourself all dirty either. It does not require too much space either. If you have even a small patio, balcony, and terrace or even a little bit of space, you can grow upside down tomatoes with an upside down planter. This idea may be too far fetched for you. But look on it practically as many people have done it and it works. What's more, you get to enjoy up to 30 pounds of tomatoes per plant from these upside down planters.
You can use the topsy – turvy upside down planter or a similar brand and see the difference for yourself. Its an extremely environmentally friendly product and has even been voted by the Time magazine as one of the most amazingventions in 2005. All you need to put in the planters for growing upside down tomatoes is good quality potting soil and you are on your way. Good quality potting soil or pre mixed soil is easily available at gardening shops and hardware shops.
A number of advantages when you use these planters for upside down tomatoes
There are several advantages of using a pre-made topsy-turvy type upside down planters versus making them on your own. If you like to work with tools, then it should not be such a problem for you. But if you do not like to work with tools, then it could be somewhat of a demanding job for you to create your own planters. Firstly you would need to find the plastic containers that you could use as upside down planters. Remember that these containers have to be incredibly sturdy since they need to hold water and need to be strong enough because of the weight of the soil and water combined with the weight of the tomatoes.
Secondly you would need to make a hole in them with either a utility knife or a drill machine. You would need to arrange both. It can get quite messy definitely.
A manufactured upside down planter takes out all the hard work away and what's more, they've been successfully used around the globe by satisfied customers. When you use the planters, you save a lot of time. Your spending you time growing upside down tomatoes not making the planters. When you use these planters for planting upside down tomatoes, you need not worry about weeds and pests that may destroy your tomato plant. You can even move these planters around if you wish.
Design of the planter
The planter has been designed to hold the soil and water to provide nourishment to the plant. There's a funnel attached from where you can even water the plants. The plant must be watered according to the climate. Usually watering the upside down tomatoes lightly every other day works just fine for them.
The roots stay inside the planter while the upside down tomatoes grows outside the planter hanging on the vine from the planter. Now you can pluck these tomatoes right off the vine and enjoy them. Many people find that growing the tomatoes in a garden with the constant bending down can be quite a backbreaking work. Even if they have done everything right, you may still not rewarded with the ripe and fine tomatoes that they are looking for.
Enjoy your tomatoes for a longer time
One of the greatest advantages of using the planters for upside down tomatoes is that you can receive your crop of tomatoes up to 4 weeks earlier than if you would have planed them in the soil.