Home is where the heart is and the heart always wants the home to look and feel beautiful. Crown molding is the perfect way to convert an ordinary looking home into one that vibrates with elegance and grace. It could have said that crown molding had its humble beginning somewhere in Europe when the early Italians started using wooden molds to decorate their walls and pillows. It soon spread to other parts of the world and is now extensively used all over the world to give homes a more colonial and elegant look.
These moldings were originally made exclusively from wood. But now different kinds of materials like polyurethane, plastic, fiber, foam, and other new synthetic materials are used to create the moldings. Although a variety of materials are used, wood and polyurethane are the most common materials. They give a better finish and last longer. The material used for creating the molding depends a lot on the budget the homeowner has to work with.
Crown molding includes not only wall pieces, but also ceiling medallions and decorative columns. Rose and petal motifs, vines and leaf motifs are the most common design seen in decorative moldings. There are also moldings with elegant and simple lines. The creation of the molding is an art as well as a science and requires precision. Many craftsmen use certain formula to get the curve of the mouldings.
The expertise of the craftsmen and the material used to create the mold all affects the final look of the feature. Other than the making, the fitting of the molding also plays an important part in making the room or home look good. If not done properly, the molding would look totally out of place and would have more of a negative effect.
Therefore, the contractor fitting the molding must also be well experienced in that sort of works. If executed well, there is nothing better that can enhance a home's facade.
There are many companies who come out with readymade crown mouldings, with general specifications, which can be purchased and attached to the walls. Most of them also custom-make moldings and send it to the customers as per their specifications and design. Many of them install the molding in the house with the help of their own staff, whereas many send it to the builders who then do the installation.
It is a good idea to have the builders and the mold makers to be in touch as the specifications can be given and understood more clearly then. These companies have state-of-the-art machines and technicians to carry out the building of the molding. Therefore, the possibility of error is only the bare minimum.
Crown moldings are a quick way that many decorators use to spruce up the home and increase its overall impact. If the property is put up for sale, many real estate agents get carpenters to put in moldings to enhance the property's aesthetic appeal and increase its worth. It is one of the most inexpensive ways of home improvement available.